environment, animals & ecology

This part of my work is tricky. I teach a lot in the area (Master Densys with Cyrille Imbert, sometimes in philosophy department too), but concerning the philosophy of animals or of ecology: I do not think I have something to say about it as such, I think that of course we should be individually and collectively obsessed by the climate change, but this is trivial. I am still not sure what a philosopher can add to the story. But as a philosopher, this is not an area where I feel something really constructive can be said. Many critical things for sure, many political things — but this is a bit different.

So today I increasingly tend to think about these issues through historical and political lenses, reading people like Andreas Malm, but also trying to make clear the relation of climate politics to global health issues. Work in progress, but if you would like to talk about it, let’s do.

And you know, if you are interested in climate and you still eat meat otherwise than exceptionally, please stop, it’s not very serious.
Speaking of animals, well, you can read this paper of ours (me & Pierre-Yves Quiviger), “De la notion de ‘droits des animaux” (On the notion of animal rights, 2016).

Speaking of ecology, I helped to organize, with Catherine Larrère, quite a big conference in Collège de France, Comment penser l’Anthropocène? Anthropologues, philosophes et sociologues face au changement climatique, in 2015, a few weeks before COP 21. The picture on the poster is mine, weird colour of Paris at some point in 2015. A bit later, Rémi Beau & Catherine Larrère published a volume out of this conference, Penser l’Anthropocène. Very good introduction to these issues (saying this as a fan, as I did not write anything there).

My own sole publication on the topic will be out soon, a tiny paper cowritten with one of my Master’s students.

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